Break The Ice And Win The Heart With These 27 Winning Dating App Starters

Spark Instant Chemistry with Every Message You Send Her

This carefully curated collection isn't just a list of lines; it's your secret weapon for creating instant connections.

Each starter is designed to not only break the ice but to kindle a spark that captivates her interest from the very first message.

Whether you're looking for a meaningful conversation or a fun flirtation, these starters are crafted to open doors and set you apart.

Say goodbye to the guesswork and hello to effortless chemistry, one message at a time.

We’ve been helping men get better results with women for over 15 years!

See some of the men we’ve helped below (Click on the image to play the video)

Norbert talks about how Adam’s coaching got him his ideal woman.

Max sold his truck to master dating during Covid from Adam.

Ben talks about how Adam taught him how to get women to chase HIM.

Jeffrey learned to be great with women through Adam’s coaching.

Scott has to choose which women to spend time with after Adam’s help.

Rahul learned to have so much bedroom fun, his body couldn’t take it.

Rick explains why Adam is the best in the world at what he does.

Fred has his mindset completely changed by Adam’s philosophy.

Imran gained “social superpowers” from Adam’s coaching.

Learn the Art of Effortless Attraction with Starters That Instantly Spark Interest and Keep Conversations Flowing

Ditch the Awkward Silences and Embrace Engaging, Witty Banter That Makes Every Interaction Memorable and Leaves Her Wanting More

Learn more about the Dating Coach that created the "27 Dating App Ice Breakers" Cheat-Sheet

Adam Lyons is known as one of the world's leading Dating Coaches.

As featured on “The Steve Harvey Show”, “The Today Show with Megan Kelly”, 2 documentaries, writer for and

When it comes to dating, Adam Lyons is the man other dating coaches turn to for advice.

With an MBA Education in Business and Psychology, Adam Lyons has been a professional dating coach for over 18 Years. He has trained over 350,000 Men to date a higher quality of woman and to stop settling for relationships with women that just don’t work.

Adam wasn’t always good with Women, and was frustrated that other men seemed to be able to date attractive, fun and successful women while he would struggle to date anyone. Meanwhile the only women he could get dates with seemed to be full of drama and just weren’t the quality he wanted to be with.

This caused him to make a choice in his twenties to breakdown the Psychology and Biochemistry of attraction to see if it was truly possible for anyone to “Punch above their weight” and date someone who was “Out of his League”

Today, Adam Lyons, along with his incredible wife and business partner Eve continue to improve the love lives of men by breaking down the complexities of dating, into simple step by step processes that anyone can follow.

Feedback From Our Students

Deepak: 10X your Expectations!

Jonathan: I got out of a bad situation​

“Adam helped me manage my stress around relationships, since working with him I can go up to any person and start a conversation and turn it into a date. I even use the same skills in online dating and have dates organized with at least 6 people this week.”

“After working with him, Adam is like a mentor to me. he has helped me so much, words can’t even describe my appreciation. Women don’t confuse me any more, and I realize that I’m the prize inside my relationships.”

Kelly: I'm a different person!

Arden: One of the best men I know

“I’ve been doing so well at my gym that everyone wants to talk to me. My confidence is sky rocketing! I no longer make a “fool” of myself in conversation, and now I’m seen as not just normal, but attractive!”

“Adam cares so much about his clients, and he really knows his S%#@! No matter what question you have or roadblock you have, Adam has the answer for you with step by step solutions to get you instantly actionable results.”

Jory: Adam is a legend!

Hancel: His advice works so well!

“I’ve learned so much from Adam. That’s how I landed the woman of my dreams! Thanks for the boost of confidence when I didn’t have it. I was able to use those same techniques in my sales career!”

“What Adam told me on just one call about my relationship worked so well, that she “loved” the text message I sent her, put it on her Instagram, then called me to talk to me about it at 3am! She woke me from sleep to tell me how great it was.”

Supercharge Your Approach to Dating with Expert Insights Tailored for Modern Love and Connection

Start a New Chapter in Your Love Life with Strategies That Elevate Your Dating Game and Lead You to the Relationship You Deserve

The 27 Dating App Ice Breakers Are For Guys Who Are:

  • Tired of messages being ignored on dating apps

  • Struggling to move past simple greetings and start real conversations

  • Want to stand out in the crowded dating app world but don't know how

Adam Lyons is renowned for transforming the dating lives of men.

With his expert guidance, men learn to effortlessly engage and charm women on dating apps.

This remarkable ability may seem like a secret power to those struggling in the dating scene.

Yet, the key lies in a simple, often overlooked skill: initiating captivating conversations.

Adam's "27 Dating App Ice Breakers" are the first step in this journey, offering easy-to-use yet powerful starters that open the door to meaningful connections. 

To begin mastering this essential skill, simply click the button below.

Results of Adam's Coaching

Stay On Her Mind Even After The App Is Closed

Grab Yours Now Before We Take It Down

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